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{| class="wikitable"
| [[Image:Draft_dtes_641146799-itambe33-insoutenable.jpg_169612077.jpg|left|270x210px]][ EFOUI-HESS, Maxime (coord.) '''Climat: L'insoutenable usage de la vidéo en ligne. The Shift Project, 2019''']
| [[Image:Draft_dtes_641146799-itambe33-greenpeace340.jpg_403262890.jpg|right|270x210px]][ DAHIYA, Sunil; MYLLYVIRTA, Lauri. '''Global SO2 emission hotspot database - Ranking the world’s worst sources of SO2 pollution''']
| [[Image:Draft_dtes_798574456-itambe32-top10wefportada.jpg_171459119.jpg|left|270x210px]][ BRADY, Ann (ed.). '''Top 10 Emerging Technologies 2019. Cologny: World Economic Forum, 2019''']
| [[Image:Draft_dtes_798574456-itambe32-effondrement.png_514716984.png|right|270x210px]][ COCHET, Yves. '''Devant l’effondrement: Essai de collapsologie. París: Les Liens qui Libèrent, 2019''']
| [[Image:Draft_dtes_876730354-itambe31-habiterportadaalta.jpg_313681353.jpg|left|270x210px]][ SIMAY, Philippe; MEYER, Clotilde. '''Habiter le monde''']
| [[Image:Draft_dtes_876730354-itambe31-globalenergyportada.jpg_177923766.jpg|right|270x210px]][ RAM, M.; BOGDANOV, D.; AGHAHOSSEINI, A.; GULAGI, A.; OYEWO, A.S.; CHILD, M.; CALDERA, U.; SADOVSKAIA, K.; FARFAN, J.; BARBOSA, LSNS.; FASIHI, M.; KHALILI, S.; DALHEIMER, B.; GRUBER, G.; TRABER, T.; DE CALUWE, F.; FELL, H.-J.; BREYER, C. '''Global Energy System based on 100% Renewable Energy – Power, Heat, Transport and Desalination Sectors''']
| [[Image:Draft_dtes_876730354-itambe31-movilidadportada.jpg_235182068.jpg|left|270x210px]][ FERRI, M. (coord.) '''La movilidad al trabajo: un reto pendiente. Madrid: Direcció General de Trànsit & Institut per a la Diversificació i l'Estalvi d'Energia, juny 2019''']
:* [ EFOUI-HESS, Maxime (coord.) Climat: L'insoutenable usage de la vidéo en ligne. The Shift Project, 2019]
| [[Image:Draft_Garcia_591646583-itambe30-unintelligence.png_157512715.png|right|270x210px]][ BROUSSARD, Meredith. '''Artificial Unintelligence - How Computers Misunderstand the World''']
| [[Image:Draft_Garcia_591646583-itambe30-sustainableportada.png_1869616622.png|left|270x210px]][ FARR, Douglas. '''Sustainable Nation - Urban Design Patterns for the Future''']
:* [ DAHIYA, Sunil; MYLLYVIRTA, Lauri. Global SO2 emission hotspot database - Ranking the world’s worst sources of SO2 pollution]
:* [ BRADY, Ann (ed.). Top 10 Emerging Technologies 2019. Cologny: World Economic Forum, 2019]
:* [ COCHET, Yves. Devant l’effondrement: Essai de collapsologie. París: Les Liens qui Libèrent, 2019]
:* [ SIMAY, Philippe; MEYER, Clotilde. Habiter le monde]
:* [ RAM, M.; BOGDANOV, D.; AGHAHOSSEINI, A.; GULAGI, A.; OYEWO, A.S.; CHILD, M.; CALDERA, U.; SADOVSKAIA, K.; FARFAN, J.; BARBOSA, LSNS.; FASIHI, M.; KHALILI, S.; DALHEIMER, B.; GRUBER, G.; TRABER, T.; DE CALUWE, F.; FELL, H.-J.; BREYER, C. Global Energy System based on 100% Renewable Energy – Power, Heat, Transport and Desalination Sectors]
:* [ FERRI, M. (coord.) La movilidad al trabajo: un reto pendiente. Madrid: Direcció General de Trànsit & Institut per a la Diversificació i l'Estalvi d'Energia, juny 2019]
:* [ BROUSSARD, Meredith. Artificial Unintelligence - How Computers Misunderstand the World]
:* FARR, Douglas. Sustainable Nation - Urban Design Patterns for the Future

Latest revision as of 15:47, 16 January 2023

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Publicat a 16/01/23
Acceptat a 16/01/23
Presentat el 16/01/23

Volum 2019, 2023
llicència: CC BY-NC-SA license

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